Bethel UMC Discipleship Logo


At Bethel, we are committed to developing a healthy relational discipleship culture through a variety of learning and ministry opportunities.

The primary way we grow together is through small discipleship new life groups. These groups form as disciples within them step out and begin to teach another group. We believe in growth through multiplication as disciples commit to making disciples.

To learn more, scroll down where you will find our spiritual formation process, the desired outcomes, and definitions. If you are interested in being a part of a new life group, the form below will allow you to record your interest. You will be notified as a group becomes available.

  • Our purpose is to allow the Holy Spirit to create a healthy relational discipleship culture that is producing awakened followers of Jesus Christ navigating the pathway of New Life.

  • We want to see the people at Bethel grow in Christian maturity as they become self-initiating disciple makers.

  • Every person is of sacred worth.

    God desires a relationship that brings new life.

    God’s grace is freely given.

    Our task is to build the body of Christ

  • Building our relationship with God through passionate worship.

    Involvement in discipleship small groups.

    Caring for those in need.

    Giving our lives to Christ.

    Sharing the Good News.

    Nurturing our relationship with one another.

    Participating in opportunities to be equipped to build up the church.

  • Commitment to attend and participate in corporate worship.

    Participating in small groups that value accountable relationships.

    Developing relationships outside the church which provide opportunities to witness.

  • Culture - A culture is the collective way a congregation has learned to function over a period of time.

    Healthy Church - A healthy church is one where the people’s primary focus is cultivating a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, the leadership’s integrity reflects that their public life is congruent with their private life, and they live out of this vulnerability and brokenness in relationship with Jesus, the people are experiencing real life changing discipleship, the people are learning ways to love people within and outside the church like Jesus, the people are using their gifts to build up the church, and new people are being reached that are learning to become reproducing disciples.

    Ministry Context - The demographic dynamic of the church. What is the background of the people who currently attend Bethel? The ministry context informs us what concerns and troubles act as barriers to new life, and provides strengths that will enable the congregation to seek new life more effectively in Jesus Christ.

    Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit must be the primary agent of change for a healthy church to flourish.

    Awaken - An Acknowledgement of our broken nature, our broken behavior, and the need to begin aligning ourselves with God’s well and purpose for our lives.

    Navigating the Pathway - the process of growing in grace as we participate in various small groups that assist in connecting people to God’s will and purpose for their life.

    New Life - The life that emerges from relationship with Jesus Christ as described in 2 Corinthians 5:17. This passage reads, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.”

    Self-initiating - People who are able and willing to take responsibility to make disciples without a prompt from leadership. The ministry becomes their passion.

    Reproducing - These self-initiating disciples are followers of Jesus who actively make followers, who make followers of Jesus.

    Disciple - Someone who enters into an eternal journey with Jesus Christ where they endeavor to know Him more, is restored into His image, and spreads His message to a broken world (Matt. 28:16-20). A disciple strives to know Jesus and His teaching; to grow more like Jesus; and to go for Jesus, serving others and making new disciples.